"Q"   All Films Watched in 2010

All films are rated on a scale of **** (A+), *** 3/4 (A), *** 1/2 (A-), *** 1/4 (B+), *** (B), ** 3/4 (B-), ** 1/2 (C+), ** 1/4 ( C), ** (C-) , * 3/4 (D+), * 1/2 (D), * 1/4 (D-), * (F) 

Links are to longer reviews on site.  A film defined as 70 min.+  visual event.  
The year included with the film is the year I watched each film.
 (V) =  TV, Video or DVD    ( +) = repeat viewing      (W/O)= walked out

QUAI DES ORFÈVRES  (2003, d. Henri-George Clouzot) '47 light hearted murder mystery among the Music Hall crowd.  ** 3/4
QUANTUM OF SOLACE  (2008, d. Mark Forster) High production values & a fine Bond don't make up for hyperactive cutting and horrendously confusing plot. * 1/2
QUEEN OF THE NIGHT  (2001, d. Branco Schmidt)  * 1/2
QUEEN TO PLAY (2010, d. Caroline Bottaro)  ** 1/2
QUEEN, THE  (2006, d. Stephen Frears) Superb script, great performances by Mirren and Michael Sheen.  Remarkable film. *** 1/2
QUEENS (Reinas) (2006, d. Manuel Gómez Pereira) +  ***                                          
QUEENS (Reinas)  (2005, d. Manuel Gomez Pereíra) *** 1/4
QUEST FOR HONOR (2010, d. Mary Ann Smothers Bruni) V. Straighforward interview docu of women victims of honor killings in Iraqi Kurdistan. Old news; but important. ** 3/4
QUICK & THE DEAD, THE  (2004, d. Sam Raimi)V. Spaghetti western takeoff with great cast (Russell Crowe!, Leo DiCaprio); Raimi channeling Richard Rodriguez.  ** 1/4
QUIET AMERICAN, THE   (2002, d. Phillip Noyce)    *** 1/2   
QUIET CHAOS (2009,  d. Antonello Grimaldi) *** 1/2
QUILLS   (2000, d. Philip Kaufman)    ** 3/4    
QUINCEAÑERA  (2006, d. Wash Westmoreland, Richard Glatzer) *** 1/4
QUITTING   (2002, d. Zhang Yang)    ** 3/4   
QUO VADIS   (2001, d. Jerzy Kawalerwicz)  ** 3/4
QUO VADIS, BABY  (2010, d. Gabriele Salvatores) ***