"Z"   All Films Watched 2000-2010
All films are rated on a scale of **** (A+), *** 3/4 (A), *** 1/2 (A-), *** 1/4 (B+), *** (B), ** 3/4 (B-), ** 1/2 (C+), ** 1/4 ( C), ** (C-) , * 3/4 (D+), * 1/2 (D), * 1/4 (D-), * (F) 
Links are to longer reviews on site.  A film defined as 70 min.+  visual event.  
The year included with the film is the year I watched each film.
 (V) =  TV, Video or DVD    ( +) = repeat viewing      (W/O)= walked out
Z CHANNEL: A MAGNIFICENT OBSESSION  (2005, d. Alexandra Cassavettes) V. Well made, informative docu on Jerry Harvey with great movie clips.  *** 1/2
ZACK AND MIRA MAKE A PORNO  (2008, d. Kevin Smith) Intermittantly funny and Rogan is the perfect pomo hero...still, Smith's script sucks.  ** 1/2
ZATOICHI  (2004, d. Takeshi Kitano) Sorry, I was sort of bored...but the Japanese "Riverdance" rhythmic stuff was fun, if weird.  ** 1/2
ZELARY  (2004, d. Ondrej Trojan) Beautifully realized WWII story of a nurse who escapes from the Gestapo to a small Czech village & finds herself. *** 1/2
ZHOU YU'S TRAIN   (2004, d. Sun Zhou) Elliptical romantic drama about a woman torn by conflicting love for two men. Confusing and overwrought.  * 3/4
ZIFT (2009,  d. Vladislav Todorov; Bulgaria)  ***
ZIM AND CO.  (2005, d. Pierre Jolivet) ***
ZODIAC  (2007, d. David Fincher) Fascinating procedural which plays like All the Presidents Men rather than Se7en.  *** 1/4
ZOE  (2001, d. Deborah Attoinese) ** 1/2
ZOMBIELAND (2009,  d. Rubin Fleischer) Eisenberg is always good; and there are some amusing things here; but I guess that I'm just immune to zombies.  ** 1/2
ZOOKEEPER, THE   (2002, d. Ralph Zian)  ***
ZOZO  (2005, d. Josef Fares; Sweden) ***
ZUS & ZO  (2003, d.   Paula van der Oest)  Netherlands AFF.  Family farce about 3 sisters and their gay brother.  *** 1/4