This is a pleasant enough Japanese animated film about Kun, a young boy who has to cope with the arrival of a cute, baby sister named Mirai. Kun is jealous of the new baby's monopolization of his parent's limited attention. He's also quite imaginative, and the film has time binding scenes of all the characters as their past, present and future selves. Sometimes it is hard to separate Kun's often scary fantasies from his supposed reality. The version released in the U.S. was dubbed, and the vocal actors were adequate. However, watching the subtitled trailer, I think I would have preferred the film with the original voices. Still, the 2D animated visuals were splendid, especially when the film opened up from the family home, and followed Kun on a terrifying, run-away adventure. This is a singularly insightful anime that presents a psychologically accurate depiction of childhood that may be more suitable for adults than for kids.